Judy Allen, Muenster and Whitesboro Family Medical Clinic
Matthew & Brice Bain
Clay Barnett, Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
Ron Barton, Cupid Homes
Valarie Blackshear, Grayson County Clerk Pct. 3
Bryan Blagg, Sherman P&Z
Britton Brooks, Brooks & Radchenko Law
Princess Brown, Munson Law Firm
Wilma Bush, Former Grayson County Clerk
Ronnie Bullard, Patterson Real Estate
Keith & Donita Byrom, Former Collinsville ISD School Trustee
Michelle Castle, Mortgage Coach, Podcaster
Karen Castleman, Chapin Title Company, President
Doris Caston, Red River Title Company, President
George Chamberlain
Feddy & Vikki Chandler
Emmy Lou Clark, First United Bank
Ronnie & Stephanie Clark, First State Bank Mortgage Lender
Neal & Kayla Click, Ebby Halliday, REALTORS®
Ronnie Cole, Former Mayor of Denison
Jimmy & Stephanie Cotton, McCollough & Pierson Insurance
David Alan Cox, Old Republic Home Warranty
Tanci Cuthbertson, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate
Matthew Davenport, Collinsville ISD Superintendent
Preston Davis, Paragon, REALTORS®
Baylynn Dunlap, Pilot Point ISD
Kimberly Dunlap, Pilot Point ISD
Mark Dunlap
Craig Falco, Texas Farm Credit
Samuel & Crystal Farmer, Pilot Point ISD
Butch Fife, Butch Fife REALTORS®
Tim & Anna Finkenbinder, Horse Trainer / Lake & Country Realty
Forrest Fritcher, Fritcher Plumbing
Jay & Anita Galbreath, Bayou Bugs & BBQ Owners
Tommy Gibbs, Paragon, REALTORS®
Vince & Susie Greco, The Madelyn Wedding Venue
Ryan Griffin, Developer
Yvette Grove, Paragon, REALTORS®
Kevin Hale, Independent Bank
Kevin Hartless, Whitesboro School Board
Gayla Hawkins, Grayson County Treasurer
Trent & Kaley Hodgkinson, First Baptist Church Collinsville
Sam Holloway, Frontier Properties Real Estate, LLC
Mike Hortsman, Southmayd City Council
Harry Hudgins, Harry Hudgins Cattle Co.
Tonya Hudgins, First United Mortgage Group
Kimberly Hudgins, Paragon, REALTORS®
Clint Huhnke, AMX Realty
Phyllis James, Grayson County Commissioner Precinct 3
Coryann Johnson, Texas Homes and Land
Ryan Johnson, Former Sherman City Council, Covenant Development
Tom Johnson, Covenant Development
Dak & Corey Jones,
Kerry & Pat Jones, Retired US Army Veternan
Pete Kloppers, Kloppers Investment Group
Larry & LuAnn Kubala, Moore Cleaners
Kenny & Debbie Larson, MLGray Partnerships
William & Rachel Leo, Fingerprint Examiner and Forensic Identification Consultant
Jared Light, Collinsville School Board
Robin & Shawn Lyday, McCullough & Pierson Agency
Elizar & Robin Mata, Covenant Development
John & Cindy McCullough, McCullough & Pierson Agency
Jenel McGrath, Jenel McGrath REALTORS®
JJ McGrath, TekWav
Colby & Rebecca Meals, The Meals Team (Real Estate)
Cory Meals, The Meals Team (Real Estate)
Lori Melson
Sadonia Melson
Austin Miles, Whitesboro School Board
Larry & Pat Millson, Former GCGOP President
Lisa Moden, Ebby Halliday, REALTORS®
William Ben Munson, Fmr TX House of Representatives & City of Denison Mayor; Attorney
Ricky Nichols, Woodbine Water
Javier Nieto, C-N Enterprises
Maggie Nieto, Grayson County Homeless Shelter Board of Directors (2017)
Dawson Nitcholas, Tom Bean City Council
Johnna Nitcholas
Taylor Oldroyd, Arlington Association of REALTORS®
Stacy Olmstead, Paragon, REALTORS®
Gary Pafford, Texoma Property Management
Jeff & Jamie Patterson, Whitesboro School Board and Assistant Fire Chief
Jerry Patterson, Patterson Real Estate
Ryan Patterson, Collinsville School Board
Cristi Perkins, Steve Cook & Co.. Realtors
Ken & Cindy Peterson, Pastor North Texas Trinity Cowboy Church
Red Bone & Katie Peyrot, The New Gainesville Livestock Auction
Robin Phillips, Paragon, REALTORS®, Grayson County Pct. Chair
Serjio & Michaela Ponce, Texas Homes and Land
Dugan Rainey, Tioga School Board
Lainie Ramsey, Pottsboro City Council
Rebecca Ray, Keller Williams Realty
Steve & Sarah Ritchey, Ritchey Real Estate Group, Greater Texoma Association of Realtors
Barbara Robertson, Retired US Air Force
Paul Rodarmer, Former Tioga School Board
Joanna Sanders, Muenster and Whitesboro Family Medical Clinic
Vonda Sauceman
Lillian Schallhorn
Billy & Jessica Self, Keller Williams Realty
Catherine Shackelford, Collinsville ISD Elementary Principal
Loren Siems, Chapin Title Company
Jim Simpson, Weichert REALTORS®
Brett Smith, Grayson County Criminal District Attorney
Sherri Martin Smith
Sherry Smith, Ebby Halliday, REALTORS®
Robert & Virgina Smithers, Ready Real Estate
Jake & McKenyze Snyder
Scott & Julie Stintson
Shawn Teamann, Sherman City Council
Angel Titsworth, Soild Ground Realtors
David Turner, Southmayd Mayor
Marie Ward, Tanglewood Real Estate Company
William & Sharron Welch, Grayson County Pct. Chair
Travis & Holly Wells, Texas Select Erosion
Qunit & Karen Westfall, Ritchey Real Estate Group
Glenn Whitaker, Sherman P&Z
Brandon White, Former Collinsville Mayor
Darin White, Darrin White Construction
David & Dianna Whitlock, Former Grayson County Commissioner
Lauren Wolf
Sandra Wood, Kloppers Investment Group
Donna Woodruff, Weichert Realtors, Secretary for the Greater Texoma Association of Realtors
Matthew & Princess Wright, A- Right Landscaping
Avis Wukasch, Former TREC Chair

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